Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works
Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works

docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works
  1. #Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works software
  2. #Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works free

If you develop Craft 3 plugins and use symbolic links that reach outside your current project, the complexities of volume mounts mean you’ll want to rsync files into your project.

#Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works free

This can be managed, but it could be a deal-killer if you work on a laptop without ample free space. Docker downloads entire images as it needs them, so it can quickly take more disk space than MAMP if you tend to customize your environments.Your mileage may vary, and I’m counting on this eventually being improved. Hyperkit, which is required to run Docker on a Mac, has often taken an absurd amount of CPU on both (Mojave) Macs I use regularly.Working on a project and actually getting stuff done without MAMP will make you feel a keen sense of triumph.Regularly updated, pretty thoroughly documented, and supported by friendly and responsive folks.An alpha GUI if you just can’t break the habit.Also a nice way to learn about Docker since you can peek behind the DDEV curtain to see how it works, and further customization will mean getting closer to Docker and not some odd contraption a Gandalfish character maintains from a remote mountaintop with spotty satellite internet. Crazy ability to customize if you’re willing to experiment a bit with Docker and Linux.Easy database management: quick commands for taking snapshots, importing dumps, and launching PHPMyAdmin or Sequel Pro.Default Apache + nginx setups will play nice with clean URLs, and you can season to taste easily with your own. The standard PHP setup happens to come with all Craft requirements, including ImageMagick and GD.Assumes you’ll want to be working locally (and offline) just like MAMP, and automatically attempts to manage /etc/hosts changes for your *.ddev.local or custom development domain.Pick Apache or nginx in your config, choose a PHP version (back to 5.6), and ddev start to spin up the project. Great for Craft CMS, Statamic, Laravel, and ExpressionEngine projects.That difference, very precisely, is DDEV’s appeal: it abstracts what might otherwise be a bit too complicated for daily use. If you’ve already considered using Docker for local development, spin up a DDEV project and examine the difference between the yaml you define and the docker-compose.yaml DDEV generates for you. DDEV provided just enough to get me over that wall. Pure Docker containers (or docker-compose directives) would be great, but I haven’t developed enough proficiency to actually ditch MAMP and use Docker that closely day to day. Each of the above was easy to get started with, and DDEV kept making sense as I went.

docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works

It required the fewest changes to my workflow and could be tailored most easily wherever I was forced to evolve. The purpose of this post isn’t to compare options, but I’ll at least mention that I stuck with DDEV because almost every problem I encountered had an answer, whether by design or documentation or mention in a support issue.

#Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works software

These containers are also fully isolated, so (like MAMP) they don’t have to care about whatever software you’re running natively on your Mac.ĭDEV is free and actively maintained, as are similar systems like Lando, Docksal and Devilbox. They’re not as efficient as MAMP, but each project container runs its own software stack and can be fully customized-very much unlike MAMP. That difference is important because those containers are more efficient than individual virtual machines like you might run with VirtualBox and Vagrant. Unlike MAMP, configuration lives quietly within each project (which you can version if you want!) and the machinery is all powered by Docker containers.

docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works

Like MAMP, it’s easy to work with and it comes with the innards you’ll need for working with LAMP/LEMP apps. DDEV?ĭDEV isn’t a prepackaged Mac app like MAMP, but a command line tool that manages Docker containers for development. DDEV isn’t perfect, but it’s been a welcome MAMP replacement and I’m going to try and convince you to try it. Not a single moment of weakness when I had to go back to MAMP just to do that one thing. Take heart! I’ve finally found my local development champion in DDEV and I’ve been happily using it for more than a month. You may be wary of those who espouse command-line-first tools, because the tingle of excitement is normally followed by hours of stumbling over broken dependencies of which zero were obvious. You’ve poked at Vagrant, been wooed at the idea of Docker, and you’ve soldiered on with MAMP because you haven’t found a way past it that sticks day to day. You first approached the command line as one would a wounded bear, but you’ve increasingly found it to be inviting and liberating.

docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works

If you’re like me, you’ve used MAMP Pro for years because you work on a Mac and it’s easy to get a PHP site running in a few clicks.

Docker for mac php container cant connect to mysql sequel pro works